
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Do you have a bachelor’s degree? Are you interested in biomanufacturing?

The post-baccalaureate certificate in biomanufacturing may be a good option for you! This transcript-recognized program allows students who already have some background in science and technology to gain key skills they need to make a transition to the biomanufacturing industry. The post-baccalaureate certificate offers a comprehensive overview of the biomanufacturing process while providing hands-on training in high demand areas. A key component of the post-baccalaureate certificate is a focus on understanding and following FDA regulations and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).

BTEC welcomes students with non-STEM bachelor's degrees to apply for our post-baccalaureate program as well. These students will need to complete all prerequisite courses before starting any BTEC coursework, which will extend the timeline to complete the certificate.

The post-baccalaureate certificate requires 13 credit hours and, for students who have already completed the prerequisites, normally takes about two to three part-time semesters to complete. Actual time to complete the post-baccalaureate certificate depends course availability.

This program is NOT intended for students interested in preparatory studies for pre-health degrees and will NOT meet any prerequisites requirements.

Core competencies

Students who complete our undergraduate certificate gain the following competencies:

Biomanufacturing, Micro and biology, upstream, downstream, industry standards

After completing introductory courses, students choose a specialization area in either upstream or downstream processing to further develop their expertise in highly valued areas in the biomanufacturing industry.

What is the difference in the Undergraduate Certificate, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, and Graduate Certificate?

The undergraduate certificate is available to degree seeking students. This certificate is designed to be flexible, so students can select BTEC coursework that they find most useful to complement their academic and career goals. If you have already have a bachelor's degree, we recommend the post-baccalaureate certificate instead.

Read more about the undergraduate certificate »

The post-baccalaureate certificate is open to non-degree seeking students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree, whether from NC State or another institution. However, students with coursework in biology and organic chemistry are better equipped to start BTEC coursework. If you are missing these prerequisites, it may take longer to complete the post-baccalaureate certificate.

Read more about the post-baccalaureate certificate »

Graduate certificates are designed for students who already have a STEM bachelor’s degree and are seeking advanced coursework in biomanufacturing. Students with a strong background in science and engineering and who already have experience in biomanufacturing are good candidates for the graduate certificates. Current NC State graduate students who are already enrolled in a degree program can also apply for the graduate certificate.

Read more about the graduate certificate »



Students interested in the post-baccalaureate certificate should have a background in biology and chemistry. Students should complete the following courses with at least a C- or better before starting the post-baccalaureate certificate. If you attended a university other than NC State, you may contact our academic team to discuss if you meet these requirements. Depending on a student's background, experience and area of interest, prerequisites may be waived.

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology 4
CH 101 or CH 103 Chemistry - A Molecular Science 3
CH 221 or 225 Organic Chemistry I 3
CH 223 or 227 Organic Chemistry II 3

Please note that the chemistry department at NC State University requires students to take a one credit hour laboratory per chemistry course.

Certificate Requirements

A minimum of 13 credit hours is required to earn the post-baccalaureate certificate. Review the four categories below to see how hours are allocated. Courses taken as part of an undergraduate or graduate minor, certificate, or degree may not count toward the post-baccalaureate certificate.

1. Basic Microbiology Laboratory Skills (1 credit minimum)

Any of the following courses fulfill this requirement. (Student transcripts will note all credit hours earned.)

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BEC 425 Molecular Biology for Biomanufacturing 2
BIT 410 Manipulation of Recombinant DNA 4
MB 352 General Microbiology Laboratory 1
MB 354 Inquiry-Guided Microbiology Lab 1
2. Base Biomanufacturing Sequence (4 credits)

Both of the courses listed below are required.

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BEC 330 Principles and Applications of Bioseparations 2
BEC/CHE 463 Fermentation of Recombinant Microorganisms 2
3. Biomanufacturing Specialization (4 credits)

Students must complete a two-course specialization sequence focused on either upstream or downstream operations. Course selections are listed below.

Upstream operations
Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BEC 426 Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory 2
BEC 480 cGMP Fermentation Operations 2
Downstream operations
Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BEC 436 Introduction to Downstream Process Development 2
BEC 485 cGMP Downstream Operations 2
4. Electives (4 credits minimum)

Students must complete at least four credits of courses from the list below. Courses used to fulfill the biomanufacturing specialization (see section above) may not be counted toward this requirement.

Course # Course Title Credit Hours
BAE/BBS 425 Industrial Microbiology and Bioprocessing 3
BBS/BEC 426 Upstream Biomanufacturing Laboratory 2
BCH 351
or BCH 451
General Biochemistry
Principles of Biochemistry
BEC 436 Introduction to Downstream Process Development 2
BEC 445 Cell Line Development for Biomanufacturing 2
BEC 448 Bioreactor Design 2
BEC 462 Fundamentals of Bio-Nanotechnology 3
BEC 475 Global Regulatory Affairs for Medical Products 3
BEC 480 cGMP Fermentation Operations 2
BEC/BME 483 Tissue Engineering Technologies 2
BEC 485 cGMP Downstream Operations 2
BEC 488 Animal Cell Culture Engineering 2
BEC 495 Special Topics Course in Biomanufacturing Varies
BEC 497 Biomanufacturing Research Projects 2 maximum
BEC 4** Any 400 Level BEC Course Varies
BEC 5** Any 500 Level BEC Course Varies
BIT 410 Manipulation of Recombinant DNA 4
BIT 466 Animal Cell Culture Techniques 2
GN 311 Principles of Genetics 4
MB 455 Microbial Biotechnology 3


For additional information about the BTEC post-baccalaureate certificate, contact the manager of student programs.